If someone wants to explore their inner awareness then regression therapy is beneficial. Clinical studies have proven that PLR therapy has profound psychosomatic results in finding the originating causes of physical diseases and is beneficial for a variety of mental disturbances or psychological discomforts.
As a therapy, past life regression allows us to disengage from our immediate life circumstances allowing our own subconscious to bring to the forefront of our mind a ‘story’ or ‘stories’ that match emotionally what we are experiencing.
Imagine if you will that you can participate in a spontaneously created subconscious revelation where the answers that you are seeking is able to surface to the forefront of your awareness without you knowing how or what will be shown to you. The stories unfold bit by bit and are never what we expect they will be so it is helpful to be very curious whether as an observer or a direct participant.
Memories and imagination can be said to originate through the same basis within the mind and is coloured through our personal filters or our unique perception. When it comes to what is defined as a ‘past life’ it doesn’t matter if it is our imagination creating a subconscious story as an ‘actual’ event, an analogy or as a metaphor, what is important is that it helps us in a way that is healing or insightful. We experience these 'events' in a similar way to when we dream while sleeping. In our dreams we often experience a wide range of unexpected and symbolic events and can often spend a lot of time trying to decipher them. When experiencing a ‘past life memory’ those can easily be deciphered as they are self explanatory. Not only do we experience them as ‘true’ but we can feel the emotions and sense the connections to previous things in our life and formative years. Quite often after such an experience we feel the truth for ourselves and sense a greater connection to our spiritual essence.
These ‘past life memories’ are not always completely accurate as they are based on the experiencer's perception and may only be true to the individual. But this is what is important as it is what your own subconscious is showing you about what is buried beneath the surface of your conscious mind. The emotional impact is subjective and relevant to whatever questions you may have. An example of this is that the comment ‘my mother never loved me’ can in actuality have been that your mother did love you to the extent that she was capable of in relation to what other things where going on in her life and mind. When experiencing a session the results allows you to come into a place of unconditional self acceptance and understanding.
Past life research consists of practice and evidence based approaches. Practice based research uses the results from pre and post therapy questionnaires using large numbers of clients over a range of problems. Evidence based research works with a group of clients with the same problem to demonstrate its effectiveness in that area.
In practice based past life research, Hazel Denning studied the results of eight Regression Therapists and over 1000 clients between 1985 and 1992. The results were measured just after the therapy, after six months, one year, two years and five years. Of the 450 clients who could still be tracked after 5 years; 24% reported the symptoms had completely gone, 23% reported considerable or dramatic improvement, 17% reported noticeable improvement (TanDam, 1990).
Dr. Heather Rivera (2012) worked with 180 clients from a wide range of religious backgrounds and showed that apart from the therapeutic benefits 74% found their life was more meaningful and 80% found death no longer held any fear.
In evidence based past life research Ron Van der Maesen (1999) worked with fifty-four clients who had reoccurring disturbing voices or thoughts. At a six month follow up after the therapy by an external Psychiatrist, 25% found the disturbing voices disappeared, and a further 32% could now cope. Overall 80% had a positive subjective experience and would recommend this therapy for reoccurring problems like these in others.
Ron Van der Maesen (1998) also conducted past life research with Tourettes's syndrome. This is a disorder characterised with involuntary repetitive behaviours. The current view has been that this is usually a lifelong condition. The work was conducted with 22 clients over the age range of 9 to 52 years old. Of the ten subjects who completed all the therapy and responded to the one-year follow-up questionnaire, 50% reported that their motor tics had for the most part largely disappeared or been greatly reduced in frequency. The same also applied to their vocal tics. Five also reported that they were free of medication, in sharp contrast to the pre-study period.
Returning to practice based past life research, Wambach (Snow,1986) conducted the largest study using 26 regression therapists who had worked with a total of 17,350 clients. Of these 63% reported an improved in a physical symptom, and 40% reported an improved their interpersonal relationships.
Freeman T. B. (1997) Past life and interlife reports of phobic people: Patterns and outcome The Journal of Regression Therapy, Volume XI (1), International Association for Regression Research and Therapies
Snow, C. (1986) Past Life therapy: The experiences of twenty six Therapists The Journal of Regression Therapy, Volume I (2)
Denning, H.(1987) The Restoration of Health Through Hypnosis, Journal of Regression Therapy 2:1 , pp. 524.
Rivera, H. (2012) in The Journal of Regression Therapy, Measuring the Therapeutic Effects of Past Life Regression, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies also see www.plrinstitute.org
Van der Maesen, R. (1998) in The Journal of Regression Therapy, Volume XII (1), Past Life Therapy for Giles De La Tourettes's Syndrome, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies
Van der Maesen, R. (1999) in The Journal of Regression Therapy, Volume XIII (1), Past Life Therapy for People who Hallucinate Voices, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies