In the beginning of the dream I found myself walking near an ocean- a beautiful expansive and very familiar ocean. The water was so soft, inviting and sparkly. Up ahead I saw a pavilion. It was a very large pavilion, quite massive. As I came closer I saw one person near the closest corner, walking around some sort of large and low structure that was on the floor of the pavilion. This floor structure covered most of the floor, but I couldn’t quite tell what it was from where I was walking on the beach. As I got closer, I could see that the person on the pavilion was a woman and she was watching me and waiting for me to approach. When I got close enough to say hello I could see that it was my friend and teacher Dolores Cannon! I was very excited to see her. She looked like herself but younger and a bit thinner and more vibrant. She smiled as I walked up the steps. “Hello Candace I have something to show you today and I also have a message I want you to deliver.” She walked over to the edge of the structure on the floor and I followed her. She looked down and I did too and took in the details. The structure seemed to be made of wax or some sort of translucent material, it was perfectly geometric, and regular in form and scanning across the expanse I could see it was like a giant honeycomb, with open cells. As I looked into the cells of the honeycomb they glowed and I could see light in patterns swirling and moving within each of them. The light pattern began with a six petaled flower, and it was a warm red color, but then that simple design became more complex much like a moving flower of life design. The light shifted and changed into more colors and then the whole floor began to move and morph sort of like a moving sculpture or hologram. The cells, and the light flowers were all moving in and out. All of the cells were connected to all of the light flowers which were connected to the whole and back again. I noticed some of the cells had more “light” and glowed brighter than other cells. Just as I was about to ask Dolores about that she looked at me sideways and smiled and nodded. “That is what I wanted you to notice and why I brought you here today.” “You brought me here?” I asked. “Well you could say that, yes.” “Okay so can you tell me about the differences in the individual cells’ light?” I asked. “There are many factors that play into that but lets take a closer look.” We walked closer and looked down at two of the cells nearest to our feet. Each cell was quite large, and pretty deep, and seemingly went under the floor of the pavilion. Each cell was large enough for a person to stand upright within it. As I had these thoughts I looked over at Dolores and she nodded again- because she was reading my thoughts apparently! “Each cell could be thought of as a person, yes.” The two cells we were focusing on were different in light and movement. The one on the left was lush, vibrant, fluid and moving with ease and grace. The one on the right was not as filled with light and it seems slower and “rusty” or something. It didn’t move quite as well. Then Dolores turned around and from somewhere behind her had a large crystal clear bucket of water with a big ladle in it. She scooped out some of the water and said, “Watch!” as she poured the water into the cell on the right. Immediately, the cell became brighter and the movements more fluid. She added more water and the cell again became more “alive.” I also then was aware of how the individual patterns of light from that cell immediately moved across the whole structure. Very much like the flower of life pattern. “That is what I wanted you to see. Each cell can be thought of as a person, connected to other people, but each cell could be thought of as an individual cell in a person’s body as well.” I turned to listen. “Please pass this message on: Water is so important. Not only does it keep you alive, it keeps you connected. You are a bit like a battery, you need water to be able to connect to higher states of consciousness. You need water to be able to connect to others. You need water to connect to other parts of yourself! It is so very important to stay hydrated. Water will help the information flow. The water will help the actual connection to information. The water will help you be connected to higher consciousness.” I smiled and said, “You’re still working with Emoto, aren’t you?” Dolores laughed and put her hands together. “Indeed.” And then Masaru Emoto himself appeared, and stepped up onto the pavilion, and with a slight bow said, “Every glass of water you drink has the potential to bring you healing from whatever ails you. Every bath you take can do the same. Every step into the ocean, every walk beside a river, every rest beside a creek is an opportunity to heal. And this healing can be received by you, or intended for others or the planet or both.” I said, “So many people love the water, the ocean especially, and beautiful clear lakes, and lovely rushing streams of clean water, but many of us are not blessed to have these bodies of water near our home.” “That’s true,” Emoto said. “But you can still create your own healing waters. Besides your drinking water, and your bath or shower water, you can set out simple bowls of water in your living space to amplify your healing focus and intentions.” Dolores then began to speak. “You have a client who has requested one of your audio meditations. If you had an ocean in Kansas I would suggest going there to write or record that for her.” I laughed, knowing I was in a dream and not in Kansas. There certainly are no oceans in the state in which I live. Dolores said, “You know Kansas used to be covered in a beautiful and very powerful ocean. You can still intend to connect to that ancient and massive energy using the water in which you do have access.” “I never thought of that Dolores. You know I recently found myself re-reading some of the passages of the book Prairy Erth, which talks extensively about the ancient waters that actually created the prairies, and unique Flint Hills of Kansas.” With that Dolores looked behind her and out toward the magical ocean behind her and then back again at me with a broad smile. “Why do you think this body of water seems so familiar to you?” I found myself overcome with joy as memories of the ancient body of water, and the prairie and past lives and current experiences with the land all combined into a beautiful symphony of vibration and light that echoed and repeated the patterns on the pavilion floor. “Use that energy, and that imagery to create your meditations,” Emoto chimed in with a big smile. Dolores seemed very pleased and amused. She was probably smiling at the look on my face thinking about oceans in Kansas. “Oh and Candace, when you wake up, look up the meaning of your current client’s name.” “You mean Sanja? I had intended to dream about the ocean for her healing meditation.” “Yes, Sanja. And tell her I said hello,” She looked over at Emoto, “Tell her we both said hello!” When I awoke from my dream I immediately went to my computer and looked up the name Sanja for its origin and meaning. Here is what I found: Sanja – Derived from Croatian and Serbian sanjati meaning “dream”. Thanks Dolores and Masaru. Permission to share this blog article freely given as long as it remains unchanged and all links are provided. CopyrightCandaceCraw-Goldman 2016.
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